"The Christmas Star" by Marcus Pfister is another beautiful story about the birth of Jesus. Marcus Pfister is best know for his book "Rainbow Fish". As in Rainbow fish he makes the star and many other elements of the story sparkly and beautiful. HE starts with the Shepard's discussing their visit from the angle and how they want to go and visit the new King but didn't know where to go. The suddenly the starts begin to move and merged into a new start that lead the way.
Then the King in his Palace far in the East sees the new star and goes to welcome the new King. On his way he meets two other Kings journeying to the newborn King.
The the animals in the forest see the new star and follow it, because the star is calling them the Bethlehem. Finally the star rests above the stable where Jesus was born. Everyone welcomed the baby Jesus. The mountain lion laid down the the sheep and the fox with the hare. The great Kings visited with the humble Shepard's like they were brothers.
I love the last line: "Inside the stable, the Holy Child fell asleep, and the glorious Christmas Star blazed its beacon of hope over all."
To think that one start gave so much hope to some many people is just awe inspiring. May we each find this hope of Christ and the light of this Star in our lives daily.